The wise men from Buddha to Christ and countless others say we are infinite.
Yet ours mind are shaped from hundreds of thousands of voices from men who believed they were finite.
The content from our mind is absorbed from education, society, media and is largely a cluttered mixture of finite thoughts.
The process of spiritual reading frees you from those thoughts by retraining your focus.
When you focus on the infinity in your own heart the possibility of the vision of Buddha and Christ peers through.
Unless you unfetter the finite thoughts you perceive yourself as bound.
Aligning our thoughts with the highest truth is an intuitive aim of the Soul.
The 80-20 Rule applied to the Spiritual Path
The 80-20 Rule is an aphorism that says that 80 percent of the outcome derives from 20 percent of the input, or cause. It’s become a bit of a catchphrase in the modern business and productivity world but its application to the spiritual life is equally relevant.
When we consider that every thought that passes our attention takes up a certain amount of real estate then we begin to realize that every thought or series of thoughts have an impact on our wellbeing. Most of our thoughts are mediocre repetitions of emotional patterns we’ve absorbed from our parents and friends and relationships. Others are from the monotonous hum of media, social media and education, they come together to create a worldview that is very limited and oriented around worldly models of success.
In the same way that a few words from another person can have a profound impact on how we see and experience ourselves and the world, at times altering the course of our lives, our inner thoughts have life altering significance. Furthermore, a few thoughts inputted at any given time in life, or a certain theme of thoughts, continue to reverberate and recycle themselves within our subconscious minds thousands of times a day.
Consciously inputting words from the wisest human beings, that were spoken from a high and clear state of consciousness, with the same reverence and receptivity that we would give a dear advisor, have the potential to input a new program into our subconscious thought making machine. If 20 percent of thoughts were from the sublime heights of sages and realized beings, the impact on the rest of our beings would be profound, giving us a deep spiritual resilience to any challenge life may throw at us.
Knowing our Spiritual essence brings profound security
“You shall enjoy the full Brahman-Bliss
By the firm, ceaseless certitude
That I am the non dual Supreme Brahman,
The mass of Existence-Consciousness-Bliss, the peaceful,
Of the nature of the motionless and permanent,
The eternal, the partless, the delusionless,
The taintless, and the formless.
There is not an atom of doubt in this.”
The above words from the Ribhu Gita, a famous text of Advaita Vedanta philosophy, assert to the reader their true spiritual nature and aim to instill an unwavering conviction in the formless reality beyond the mundane mind.
Imagine if this one verse made up 20% of your own thinking process. How much anxiety and sense of lack of self worth, fear or tendencies towards depression or procrastination would be transformed by the touch of such powerful words?
The words themselves have a vibration that points to an experience of security and recognition. When this is repeated, even subtly, it anchors us in a more abiding sense of security against the vicissitudes of life.
Feeling spiritual secure allows us to pursue the life of our dreams
So often, we limit ourselves before we even start. The rounds of vicious thoughts that hold us down, keep us bound to a projection of judgment, a looping vision of failure, a nagging tug of unworthiness, prevent us from even taking the first steps. Their chorus of chaotic thoughts can be so heavy, yet so discreet and repetitive, that they unknowingly control us from the inside out. A head full of unknown thoughts that are born from limited minds and a fear filled society act like a poison that finds its way into every part of our system.
On the contrary, thoughts that affirm our unlimited nature, our boundless bliss and the true nature of our beings before our minds consumed the thoughts of the world, act like an antidote to the poison. These purifying thoughts move throughout all layers of our psyche and slowly and surely purify the poison of the system. As we purify, the more unlikely we are to fall pray to deeper negative states curated by limiting beliefs and the more we are able to attune naturally to the unfolding of our deeper purpose.
Simply intuiting that at our depths, we are deathless, vanquishes fear and allows us to courageously follow our dreams, giving us a sense of our felt but rarely lived by, true power. When we tap into the part of us that is ‘eternal and delusion-less’ there is an exuberayting imperative to be a spokesperson for what is true and undivided, the elements of our being take formation around a central principle that above all, seeks to reestablish a greater harmony. And all great dreams, at their core, aim at providing more harmony in the world. Whether we are a top sports athlete showing how gracefully we can transcend human limits and master the human body, or working towards environmental regulation to curb climate change, our inner being is driven by an intelligence that seeks to harmonize our latent gifts with the rest of existence.
Our deepest nature is changeless bliss and conscious intelligence. This is the same nature that organizes the entire universe in all its majesty. Our minds, bodies and intellects are normally governed by other worldly thoughts and information from others. When we realign our thoughts to the the wisdom of realized beings our entire lives begin to shift from the inside out. The core of intelligence of our being begins to stir and there is a faith in our latent capacities experienced as our deepest dreams and desires. As conviction of our true nature increases, a fearlessness allows us to act on these dreams and deeper inclinations. As this movement is born from the deeper substratum of intelligence, our actions are necessarily aligned with the greater harmony of the cosmos and help to move humanity and earth into more attuned and coherent ways of being.